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Diet blog week 4

Weight lost this week  – 0lbs

Weight loss total – 6lbs

Stayed the same this week but early life menopause is to blame for most of it. In a previous time real and phantom periods often led to a 2-3lb weight gain so I’ll take it. I’d be happier to not stay the same but I have to remember that I’m on a life changing journey not a quick fix and that a loss or staying the same is still a positive and I’ve still not had the take aways and chocolates. I’m walking more. I’ve set myself a challenge of a minimum of 7000 steps on a work day and 5000 on a non-one. It’s not the recommended 10k steps but the aim is to have this challenge a regular occurrence and then I’ll increase.

However that may be sooner than expected. I was given the task at work of putting together something that the whole team could do for fun and a way to bring us together in spirit if not physically as we are spread out across the whole of England and don’t get to see each other often. So I’ve spent this week calculating how many footsteps it is from my office in Leeds to Louvre in Paris (and for any of my team that want a ‘return’ trip – Louvre to our office in London). It’s just over 1 million & 7000 steps for the first part and there are 22 of us.

It’s already becoming a fun challenge. People are getting competitive with talk of buying fit bits, walking shoes and borrowing neighbours dogs for a walk. Ultimately it’s something good for the heart, the body and the mind. In the 14 weeks we have for this I fully expect weight losses, fitter colleagues (and myself of course) and more importantly a happy, spirited work team

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